Hand in Hand: Clare’s Story

The Hand in Hand series will reflect stories outside the doors of Healing Housing. From experiences of our alumni to features on supporters and partners, this series is about the importance of Community to all of us.

Let us tell you about Clare*.

During Clare’s time at Healing Housing, she worked hard to rebuild her life. She fully participated in all programming, purchased a car, became a senior peer, a house manager, and then landed a great job in the recovery field. 

Clare’s goal was regaining full custody of her 6-year-old daughter upon graduation; she stayed in communication with the foster family and had frequent visits with her daughter in preparation. 

Clare graduated 2021 and, in the fall, we helped her secure sober-living housing for her and her daughter. Soon after, she welcomed her daughter home! It was time to build a new life.

But the challenges do not end there. For graduates, some have just begun. 

Clare came to us recently and shared that she was still struggling. She was new to being a full-time mother and worker, and by the time she paid rent, bills, and after-school childcare, little remained. She was feeling lonely and anxious.


Supporters gave her Clare’s daughter a new wardrobe, winter essentials, books, and games.
OneGenAway assisted with groceries.   
Funding for graduate support helped purchase a tree and gifts during the holidays, gas cards, utilities help, and even a membership to the Children’s Science Museum!  
Healing Housing is continuing to provide psychiatric care for Clare.
And, as Clare had missed the community of Healing Housing, our Clinical Outreach coordinator stays in weekly contact to make sure she doesn’t slip through the cracks, but feels loved and supported.

As our alumni numbers grow, we need to expand our mission into their worlds to continue to offer Clare, and each graduate, hope, love and companionship for their journey.

*Alumni names are changed to ensure a woman’s privacy.